Been a while since the last devlog, we're just slammed atm due to upcoming events. A convention in Austin called SXSW Gaming (Part of the gigantic South by Southwest event), and the upcoming GDC-Which we're going to for business reasons. Have to put on the dog and pony show!
(This was animated by Jen, aka MidnightMilo featuring the voice of Melody Muze as Volley.)
That aside, we recently got some amazing reception to some cutscene work we're doing. These are early mockups, but hopefully show the quality we're trying to hit with the dialogue scenes. I got a little frustrated seeing major budget games half assing the dialogue exchange during story segments, so we set out to try and one up that.
Usually in game dialogue segments are reduced to flat images of characters with speech bubbles, maybe some voice over work. We'll be able to execute this as we plan on having episodic content for our story mode, either that or we might be able to condense the game into a short and sweet story that's a few hours long.
It's all up in the air still! We've got plenty of other goodies in progress. Also wanted to thank fellow Newgrounder BridgeofFaust for his amazing Volley fanart in his ridiculously cool style! Team melted when they saw it.
Over and out! Wish us luck!
This is really neat :D